Sunday, January 5, 2014

is online dating again...

Oh hey there, random internet friends! I forgot that I was going to start writing my experiences down instead of just sharing them randomly at the bar with people I don't know. But tonight, I stopped forgetting.

Why is it so easy for online dating interactions to quickly turn into online do-you-want-my-penis-and/or-vagina interactions? Is it the screen of safety between the two people? Are we way more ballsy? Or is this how it is at bars, in work flirting, on blind dates and random meetings? Am I putting something out there? Is there a tattoo on my face that says "HAAAAY GUYS I WANT TO BONE"? Are fat girls just deemed as desperate so it's easy to approach them with penis pics (this one is a personal favorite explanation)?

I will admit that on occasion I have allowed certain conversations to head down a fairly devious detour, but it's not like these guys talk yet they all end on the same topic : penis.

As someone who doesn't have a ton of experience in organic dating, I guess I just don't know if this is how it's supposed to be.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Start meeting people now!

Start again, that is.

I've been doing this whole online dating thing for a while now. On and off, at least. It worked out once, maybe even twice. Well, I guess it didn't really work out because I'm single. Really single. You know that time in your life where you don't have anyone interested in you, you're not really interested in anyone and people aren't even trying to get in your pants? That's where I am.

For now, I think I'm actually okay with it. Of course there are days when I wish that I had someone to cuddle, annoy with texts full of stupid emoticons, or just to think about. But then there are also days when I'm extremely thankful for the peace and quiet that hermit life provides.

I know people of all types have started blogs like this and they're likely more humorous than I could ever dream of being. But I'm bored, unemployed and somewhat attached to my computer, so why not occupy my time with something that might make me occasionally laugh? While writing this, I remembered all the times I've cringed because of the online world. This might be a bad idea...

WHO KNOWS, maybe I'll happen to stumble across a magical profile of prince charming, fall madly in love and throw one hell of a party while I wear a white dress.

Hey, a girl can dream.